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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

world cup cricket final 2011 stadium

world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

  • gallinger
    Aug 2, 02:45 PM
    As soon as the new macpro's are out for shipping im getting one. Im like on edge cuz I want it now. cant wait. haha

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. Cricket World Cup 2011 Quarter
  • Cricket World Cup 2011 Quarter

  • tigres
    Mar 29, 07:20 PM
    I wonder if Amazon just tried to rush this to beat Apple and Google.


    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. Icc+world+cup+final+2011+
  • Icc+world+cup+final+2011+

  • ipedro
    May 4, 03:59 PM
    I think this will be part of Apple's lower prices for OS's. Snow Leopard was only $29 because it was more of a maintenance update for Leopard than a full new OS. But how do they explain that to customers who bought Leopard and will be asked to pay 4X as much?

    The fact that top selling MacBookAir doesn't have an optical drive, already implies that they will almost definitely sell a USB key with Lion so there's no reason to also sell it on a disc for the remaining Mac's who don't upgrade via the Mac App Store.

    Mac App Store: $49 | USB Key $59

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. world cup cricket 2011 final
  • world cup cricket 2011 final

  • cerote
    Apr 5, 09:09 PM
    Hmmm... I think I'll go jailbreak my iPod touch now.

    Maybe then I can get a toggle switch for wifi on my home screen. :rolleyes:


    Toggles for settings that you can get to with a single swipe across the status bar.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. Cricket World Cup 2011: U.S.
  • Cricket World Cup 2011: U.S.

  • decimortis
    Apr 25, 08:59 AM
    It's a non-issue.

    Sent from your iPhone.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. World+cup+final+2011+india
  • World+cup+final+2011+india

  • lPHONE
    May 6, 12:28 AM
    This story broke 5 minutes ago and I'm already over it... Who cares if Apple wants to use something they think is new and revolutionary? Your opinion isn't going to stop them. While you're over here thinking "I can't do bootcamp with ARM" Apple is thinking "Bootcamp will be obsolite when we get done here" :apple:

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. India - 2011 ICC World Cup
  • India - 2011 ICC World Cup

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 28, 10:05 AM
    It's the usual geek misconception of what a device needs. They are all about checklist items. And thus they are missing the fact that a major paradigm shift is occurring in this world where the far larger non-tech audience is now buying tech toys. This audience does not know much about specs, and cares even less. All they care about is cost (Apple is right there in phones), how their apps work (just great on the iPhone), choice of apps (no one has more choice than Apple), and what they have read or heard about (Apple is the advertising leader).

    So geeks will continue to stamp their feet and pout about checklists that Apple is "failing" at. The rest of the world will keep happily using their amazing iPhones.

    And you're missing the fact that it's the Geeks who write the apps that work on the iPhone.

    If the geeks decide the larger customer base elsewhere is more enticing, then you'll start hemorraging developers. Same if the geeks decide that their new project is going to be aimed at more robust hardware.

    In the end, it's all tied together. The specs are an important part of the device, even if the person buying it has no clue what they mean. Developers are Apple's main focus (or should be) as far as iOS goes, and some of the lay people here chanting on and on about paradigms seem to be ignoring it.

    So? Do any of those phones have 1/10th the user experience of the iPhone? Who is standing in line for them? Do you question the speed of the electronics in your TV set? No because it does what it's supposed to do.

    I was talking about Developers, not users. While you may not care your iPhone has a single core SoC, ChAir software might for their next game and decide to simply forgo releasing it on iOS. Again, we're at a tipping point right now, Android has gained fast and offers devices right now that outperform the iOS devices, which might put Apple on the back burner.

    Especially considering that their user base, while not on a single handset, is right now bigger or close to being than iOS's.

    From a developer's perspective, Android is looking good right now. If these trends continue, iOS won't be looking as good as it used to.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. India go into the World Cup#39;s
  • India go into the World Cup#39;s

  • steadysignal
    May 6, 06:59 AM
    I can't think of a worse idea!

    nor can i.

    i just remember all the problems i had with those processors in the past.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. world cup 2011 final match
  • world cup 2011 final match

  • Unorthodox
    Aug 2, 02:08 PM
    How about this for WWDC:

    --Talk about how great the switch to Intel is going
    --Praise developers work on Universal apps
    --Talk about pro software
    --Sit down and preview Leopard
    --Talk about new Core 2 Duo
    --Oh, by the way the iMac I have been using has the new Core 2 Duo

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. World+cup+final+2011+
  • World+cup+final+2011+

  • pyramid6
    Sep 11, 03:12 PM
    What rock are you living under?? A 5mb file is high end? Haha Why do you think the RIAA & MPAA are scared? It's soooooo easy to download music & movies illegally. Or look at YouTube, god knows how many 10mb videos are downloaded each second.

    I haven't done ripping in a while, but decent encoding was about about 1Mb per minute for music, and the goal for a feature length movie was about 650Mb (The size of a CD ;)). Maybe they have gotten better, but you do realize a DVD is like 4.5Gb and it already is a lossy format?

    650Mb movies are tolarable on a TV, but not a HD TV in my opinion. The few movies I did encode down, I was happy with 250Mb feature length movies at 320x200. Yes, I've been under a rock, but only for a couple years.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. India - 2011 ICC World Cup
  • India - 2011 ICC World Cup

  • MarximusMG
    Mar 28, 10:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Very interesting! I think it's funny how so many people are so sure that they know Apple will stick to their regular timeframe and nothing else. As if the idea of them switching things up is just out of the question.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. and confidence. India Vs
  • and confidence. India Vs

  • macpeter
    Nov 6, 10:13 AM
    It installs various components into your system, so no, not until Apple modifies their guidelines.

    Seeing how many things it does install and the size of the download, I wouldn't install this on any computer. Looks like FUDware to me.

    Yes, it took me a while to work out what FUD means, but i think i have that now, and yes, that's probably exactly right, FUDware.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. world cup 2011 final match
  • world cup 2011 final match

  • hynke
    May 6, 07:00 AM
    Citation needed. Especially in light of this 2 month old article :

    Intel, Google Doubt ARM and Atom Have Chances in Servers (http://www.cpu-wars.com/2011/03/intel-google-doubt-arm-and-atom-have.html)


    The article doesn't mention the processor architecture, but it is really supposed to be ARM.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. Icc+world+cup+final+2011+
  • Icc+world+cup+final+2011+

  • iZac
    Apr 20, 05:57 AM
    Apple potentially ships new iPhone 2-3 months outside of loose, self imposed schedule.

    Users worlds fall apart, swear bitter revenge, Apple goes Bankrupt.

    ...Makes sense.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. Watch Live World Cup Cricket
  • Watch Live World Cup Cricket

  • vvswarup
    Apr 7, 01:19 PM
    Apple is anticompetitive and should be shut down. By producing products customers want when others in the industry can't, they are forcing the competition out of business.

    If Apple is not shut down, they should be forced to only sell the products designed by RIM and Google, while Google and Rim can build any Apple product they want. Apple also needs to be forced to fire their QC department. While they are at it, they might want to replace their marketing department with a bunch of rabid chimps. They might also be forced to purchase advertising for RIM.

    Apples cash reserves also give them an unfair advantage. Perhaps they should give half their money to RIM. Perhaps Apple should design and build the products and sell them, however, RIM and Google would get the money.

    It's sad but it's starting to sound like that's exactly what anti-Apple people want. They're making it sound like Apple regularly colludes with suppliers. Maybe it does, but there's no proof, or at least Apple buying up the supply of touch panels certainly doesn't constitute proof.

    Apple legitimately amassed a large cash reserve. Apple is using that massive hoard of cash to secure the best possible deals with component suppliers. If that's called anticompetitive, then I don't know what to say.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. World Cup 2011 Final - Get the
  • World Cup 2011 Final - Get the

  • polaris20
    Apr 18, 03:58 PM
    What, precisely, did Samsung blatantly "rip off" from Apple? The sliding hardware keyboard? The chunky black plastic form factor? The pry-off rear cover and removable battery? Was it the flash they were including with their cell phone cameras before Apple even introduced a phone? Perhaps the plastic buttons and the extra dedicated (wasted) interface "buttons" on the screen. Maybe the skinnable launcher and widget-enabled home screens?

    I hope that was sarcasm, cause in any other context it just makes you look like an uneducated fanboy.

    If anything, this just proves that Samsung is doing something right. I mean, let's face it, Apple is acting a lot like the Winklevoss twins at this point. Technically, they should sue every PC manufacturer on Earth for every ounce of silicon ever produced, because, after all, Apple did invent the personal computer.

    As it's already been said, Apple is protecting their IP and patents. If they don't show the effort, they run the risk of losing them. It's not a "Apple is evil" issue, it's how IP and patents work.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. Cricket World Cup 2011
  • Cricket World Cup 2011

  • bep207
    Aug 11, 09:04 AM
    its always next tuesday isnt it?

    here is to getting up early on tuesday morning, dragging my ass to the computer, and going to store.apple.com to be disappointed by the lack of the promise to be back within the hour.

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. Cricket World Cup 2011).
  • Cricket World Cup 2011).

  • jeznav
    Mar 30, 05:51 PM
    Downloading now!

    world cup cricket final 2011 stadium. world cup 2011 final match
  • world cup 2011 final match

  • daneoni
    Apr 20, 06:32 AM
    iPhone 3GS = 3rd iPhone
    iPhone 4S = 5th iPhone.

    Anyone still debating a "processor upgrade" isn't much of an upgrade grossly mistakes the upgrade the 3GS was over the 3G and that the 3G was over the original.

    The 3GS basically shares the same internals as an iPhone 4, aside from RAM. Comestic upgrades are not any bigger than spec upgrades. And iPhone 4S would still be the 5th iPhone and thus the "iPhone 5" monicker is appropriate.

    It might be named iPhone 5 but it will essentially be an iPhone 4S/iPad 2 style update.

    May 6, 04:21 AM
    I was about to say, "What?! And lose the Windows compatibility they bragged on so much with the Intel transition? You're kidding me!", then I remembered that Windows 8 is also rumored (confirmed?) to run on ARM.

    This might actually happen..
    Yes, hmm... You bring up an interesting point of view here.

    Windows 8 do currently run on ARM, yes:

    Not sure if MS decides to ship it for ARM or not (working in a controlled tech demo doesn't imply a finished stable release in the Windows 8 timeframe), but what matters here is that Microsoft is absolutely moving to support ARM either in Windows 8 or later.

    Gasu E.
    Apr 25, 08:25 AM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .
    Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:

    :) I think you are just seeing advance preparation for something that won't happen for a while; moreover, when it does happen, it will start with smaller screens and work its way up to the larger ones over time. By the time it works up to a 20"+ displays, GPUs will be much more powerful.

    Apr 25, 10:44 AM
    How do you even know if this is true. Oh, I know, I'm a MacRumors reader. I sent an email to Steve Jobs and he said that Apple is storing all of this tracking information in their new data center, that is why it is such a large facility with a tremendous storage capacity.

    Aug 4, 12:30 PM
    I'm waiting for the Core 2 processors to come out as well. I'm finally replacing my 664MHz P-III (you read that right) that I surf the web with at home. Got my better half to agree to an upgrade, and almost pulled the trigger about 3 weeks ago, but thought I'd wait for the Core 2 Duo iMac to be introduced. That should mean cheaper Core Duo iMacs for me...

    I'm in the same boat (but upgrading from a 867MHz TiBook). I figure if there's no iMac introduced, I pull the trigger on getting a refurb iMac core duo. Same thing if there's a new iMac with minor improvements. I'm thinking that for my home office work that I am going to be using this for (heavy on managing large PDFs and Word files and needing Windows for some VPN stuff with an office database that won't work on Mac, but no graphic design stuff) a Merom core 2 duo would be nice but not necessarily worth the extra money. I figure I might as well wait though because (a) if there's a new iMac then the refurb price on the core duo will probably drop a little; and (b) though the chances are small, there may be a revamping of the entire Mac line, including the iMac, that would make me smack myself on the forehead for not waiting a week or 2.

    Apr 26, 04:18 PM
    This is obvious because iOS is from one company...selling iOS devices. Android is o. Every other device that really isn't any competition if u ask me...every HTC, motorola , are now stocking android that they just got lazy. "oh we just made a quad core with 7 cameras...let's add android...perfect..exactly like an evo"....boring...some say "oh iOS isn't exciting" in earlier posts are wrong...not that I'm a fanboy to iOS..I'm a fanboy to the best I see..and android for a fact isn't...every damn android device has nothing different then just cameras...evo..shift..thunderbolt...droid...it's just stupid...what happened to when cell phones competed for hardware and software?

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