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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

volkswagen beetle 2012 models

volkswagen beetle 2012 models. new vw beetle 2012 convertible
  • new vw beetle 2012 convertible

  • iSee
    May 6, 08:00 AM
    I doubt this, but here's why it could happen:

    1. It's very likely that Apple is maintaining OS X (at a certain baseline of functionallity) on alternative CPUs -- including ARM. They clearly have a history of this and it has proven to be very valuable when they've had to switch.

    2. ARM processors of 2013 or 2014 might be significantly more competative with intel than the ones being used in phones and tablets today. I think a lot of the disbelief on the idea of this switch is focusing on the idea that current ARM processors running full OS X, but that's not how it would be.

    3. Apple has proven several times that they are willing and able to pull off this kind of architecture switch smoothly. When 68000 CPUs stagnated they moved to PPC. When PPC processors stagnated and intel CPUs jumped ahead they moved almost seamlessly to Intel. If any company can figure out how to do this without a hitch, it's Apple.

    4. Cocoa-based apps will move over fairly easily. They're aren't too many important Carbon-based apps left, with some major exceptions. I think Office & iTunes will be Cocoa by then; Apple doesn't care about Adobe.

    But realistically, Apple will only do this if there is a significant long-term win.

    And I don't see it what that could be... certainly not by 2013.

    If there is *anything* to this rumor (which I doubt -- how do a bunch of barely literate idiots get inside info on Apple's long term plans?), it's just Apple keeping their options open as usual.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. the 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • the 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • dlusionz
    May 8, 06:20 PM
    to me it makes sense the following way:

    Mobileme free but iAd support or some sort of bing advertisement
    Mobileme without ads and some extra features for the ppl that pay

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • cvaldes
    May 7, 10:53 AM
    Why not just make it a $20 product instead of giving it away for no profit?
    It might be easier for Apple to run MobileMe as a free service; there's a certain amount of overhead for account administration, customer service, etc., plus a certain level of expectation (higher?) when it's a paid service.

    Apple uses software, content and services to drive sales of its high-margin hardware. By publicizing the fact that they are giving away basic cloud services for free, that might drive more people to buy Macs and mobile devices.

    Also, this would make them even more of a competitor to Google.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. New VW Beetle 2012
  • New VW Beetle 2012

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 06:46 PM
    In other words, lots of people need 64-bit for the addressing PER PROCESS, not per system (processor) as you say. (Actually, there's no "per processor" limit - a 2-way can't address more RAM than a 1-way.)

    Too true. I have a Win2k app I've been developing which could use more than 4GB RAM - in fact more than 2GB RAM (Win2k won't let a process use more than 2GB for various reasons).

    Even with the 32 bit processors supporting more than 4GB RAM, does Windows support it? Microsoft has a habit of not supporting things unless "a lot" of people will use it.

    I don't think any of the current intel Macs support more than 4GB anyway, so it's a bit academic for Macs right now. Hopefully for not much longer...

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. Volkswagen Beetle 2012
  • Volkswagen Beetle 2012

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 30, 11:44 PM
    So far is Flip phone 3 candy bar 0. I like the flip phones long before they where a fad and I will contine to like them after the fad wears off. I didnt go back to candy bar when they where back in again. I stuck with the flip phone and contine to like the flip phone for the advatages I listed above.

    I don't think the flip phones are fads. Look at all the phones on the market, and the most of them are flips. The most desireable ones are usually the flip phones and have been a while. I remember the first Nokia candybars were extremely popular but those never had that good of features and were cheap. In my opinion, flip phones are more durable (in most cases) and look better.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. The new Volkswagen Beetle is
  • The new Volkswagen Beetle is

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 11, 10:27 AM
    Quad Xeons in the MacBook Pro, pretty please. After all, it is Apple's professional notebook line.

    Hehe, that's the funniest thing I've read this week :p :D

    Hopefully we'll see the MBP hit 2.33 GHz and the iMac get the 2.4 GHz Conroe.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. new volkswagen beetle 2012
  • new volkswagen beetle 2012

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 7, 10:18 AM
    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point, my point was 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock for a prolonged period of time'.

    But they are not! :p

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. Volkswagen Beetle is back with
  • Volkswagen Beetle is back with

  • iamrawr
    May 7, 11:16 PM
    Do it! Free is good :cool:

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle 11
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle 11

  • EDH667
    Jan 6, 03:27 PM
    So I've played with the TomTom iPhone Car Kit for a couple of days and here's my initial observations.

    * I do not like the bluetooth speaker phone built-in for phone calls. It is far inferior to my BluAnt, but luckily it seems I can have both connected and easily switch back and forth.

    * Lastly, this is the thing that may make me return it...it rattles, as it is not built very well!! Where the car kit spins to landscape, it is just a little too loose of a setup. Does everyone else have this problem or do I have a defective unit? Would love to know if its worth bothering to exchange it. Thanks!

    I had two different TomTom iPhone Car Kits that I returned because of the bluetooth speaker phone. It would keep breaking up and I was unable to hear all of the other party's conversation. I had mine in the vertical position so I did not notice any rattle. I have ordered the Magellan Premium car kit which from early indications performs better for the bluetooth and positioning.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. Volkswagen Beetle R
  • Volkswagen Beetle R

  • unlinked
    Apr 25, 11:14 AM
    Correct, and that's why Steve is telling the truth unlike the trolls pretending this is an Apple conspiracy. That file is stuck on your hard disk and goes nowhere. Delete it and you don't even have that (as I did months ago when this story first broke). I tried the mapping tool and it won't work on my machine because consolidated.db cannot be found. Yet my iPhone works just fine, and Location Services works fine too.

    Apple has never grabbed this information.

    Android, on the other hand, exists so that it can serve advertiser's needs. Apple has been Opt In, but Android is Opt Out, which means your data gets transmitted to advertisers by default. You bet they track you on Droids. That's the entire business model.

    So the database exists for no reason at all? Sounds somewhat unlikely to me.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. The re-designing 2012 VW
  • The re-designing 2012 VW

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 01:59 PM
    At 10% unemployment, I don't know many people who would scoff at a job these days.

    And, it isn't that illegal immigrants do jobs that people "wouldn't be caught dead doing" -- it's that they do jobs that people wouldn't be caught dead doing for below minimum wage. There are plenty of Americans who would pick fruit or clean buildings for a fair wage -- they just don't get the opportunity because an immigrant will do the job for cash at poverty wages.

    Yeah, that's true.

    What's the solution though? Living in Arizona I hear about this issue ALL THE TIME on the news, and it seems like there are many different pros and cons to any potential solution they come up with.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. Volkswagen finally filled in
  • Volkswagen finally filled in

  • GW3
    Aug 4, 09:10 PM
    If Im not mistaken every KeyNote from Steve Jobs, whether at WWDC, MacWorld or any other event from Apple has been on tuesdays. Why is this one DIFFERENT. Could we see a Movie Store on Tuesday ???????

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. The new Volkswagen Beetle
  • The new Volkswagen Beetle

  • Lopes
    Mar 26, 10:09 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.

    Jesus, it's not like the iPads you bought suddenly stop working when a new model comes out.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. The new Volkswagen Beetle is
  • The new Volkswagen Beetle is

  • bretm
    May 4, 05:27 PM
    i intend to get mine on a disc rather then a download.

    Ah. I intend to get mine much faster than you. AND burn a disc for backup.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. Volkswagen Beetle 2012
  • Volkswagen Beetle 2012

  • raysfan81
    May 4, 04:20 PM
    I would want it on a disk or at least a usb key. :cool:

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle:
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle:

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 11:48 PM
    Yes! This Would Favor Steve Announcing Full Line Shift To Core 2 ASAP Monday. My favorite scenario may come true. :)

    didn't i read this exact same thing earlier today?

    anyways, i hope your right, but for some reason i don't think it will. only time will tell.....

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • d4rkc4sm
    Apr 25, 09:32 AM
    this is a non-story sad steve jobs has to even reply to these stupid allegations

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. The second-generation Beetle
  • The second-generation Beetle

  • macdoodled
    May 7, 12:49 PM
    now mac 10.4 512 we have to pay multitudes
    to have access to the mac mail we bought

    with cox cable slower than h3ll high speed internet

    - another help to slow me down or give up food income to fix isn't what i needed.

    volkswagen beetle 2012 models. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:11 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    I could see iAd playing a role in this decision. Apple
    pays for it through ads. Makes sense.

    It makes absolutely no sense.

    Steve Jobs said iAd was a way to have Free or low cost apps on the app store and still get the developer a little compensation.

    How does that translate into a closed cloud service like Mobileme? Apple isn't trying to be Cupertino Google here.

    Mar 29, 09:46 AM
    I seem to remember the "backing up your library" to the "cloud" was tried by someone before. They had software that scanned the CD in your drive and then either ripped it to their servers, or just unlocked access to that album in your account. RIAA brought them down. This seems a little different, and highly wasteful of space. If 500 people upload a copy of "whatever," Amazon has to store 500x the space of "whatever," rather then just unlocking one copy for 500x people. Keep in mind 1 meg of cloud space is easily over 10 megs of physical storage. (RAID, redundancy, geographical peers, backups, etc...)

    Amazon... not sure what to make them. They seem to be doing things which obviously will get them sued. I guess they figure if any ONE takes off they will make bank. Either way, I'm excited about this because Apple is great at being the best. The better the competition, the better the Apple product.

    Apr 26, 02:25 PM
    Android scares the hell out of Apple :eek:

    Of course, because Apple is making the same mistakes that let Windows get +95% market share in spite of Apple's early lead in PCs.

    A "closed" eco-system has no chance against an "open" eco-system.

    Apr 22, 12:13 PM
    It would be a lot harder to cheat a value added tax than income tax.

    Plus it would take no time or money to fill out

    it would naturally put a larger burden on the rich who spend more

    it would be simple to raise/lower

    It would naturally exempt charitable giving

    it would reduce the tax-code a few thousand pages

    It would reduce the need to pay to keep up the IRS program

    nobody would be in debt to the IRS

    Payroll taxes would be easier to manage

    My dad spends two full weeks, and hire personal assistants in order to file taxes as it is. Value added tax instead of income tax would be a blessing

    or even a less complicated flat income tax rate would be an improvement

    You just overlooked an elephant. Why would you want to discourage consumer spending? In today's economy, the government and markets are working hard to get people interested in buying again. A VAT tax would only discourage that. A VAT and no income tax would only encourage people to save more than to spend. We need people to spend or no jobs will be created.

    Jul 24, 11:49 AM
    I'm going to be using my laptop for teaching in the fall, which means some fairly strenuous 3D molecular rendering, large movies, wireless internet and standard keynote (all simultaneously, of course), as well as the standard day-to-day chores.

    I could manage with my ageing G4 AlBook (it continues to run like a champ, but it's a bit slow for the 3D molecular rendering, and it staggers a little with the big animations) but it occurred to me that, even with daily backups, should I have a catastrophic system failure, I couldn't get a replacement in time for the next lecture. So I've decided to buy a new laptop, and keep my venerable G4 AlBook as a backup system.

    But I want any new system to be 64-bit, and otherwise as 'future-proof' as possible, so I'm going to hold out for the new memrom-based MBPs. I'm really excited about the possibility of going top-of-the-line for the first time ever. I'm hoping for a system that looks like this:

    17" anodized black MBP, with 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, 1 GB RAM, a 7200 rpm 120 GB HD, 802.11n, and a blu-ray Superdrive. Should be just over $3k with my educational discount, right?Some of your feature list is not imminent. Blu-ray is too expensive. 802.11n is still another 6+ months off. Merom tops out at 2.33GHz for now. :)

    Aug 4, 09:55 AM
    Agreed. So that means...

    Leopard - seemless Windows intergration...

    I'd rather see the Apple OS built as a virus and slowly take over the Windows OS partition. Windows users wouldn't even notice the difference. They would get used to the new key strokes thinking this is the way it is supposed to be.

    If they really wanted to make it Windows like, Apple could accomplish the assimilation within thirty days and then kill the offending OS.

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