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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nothing Compares to Hair

The one and only.

Babe Vigoda

Donald Trump Proves His Hair is Real!

Season Preview

No mess, no fuss, light as air!

It's younger than springtime -- and twice as exciting.

Our Latest Special

A shave and a haircut. Just ask for "The Virgin Queen," and you'll be directed to Mr. TJB. Ahem.

Another Satisfied Client...

...enjoying The HHoF's state-of-the-art equipment.

Princess Kate Middleton | Biography

Catherine Elizabeth "KateMiddleton (born 9 January 1982) is the fiancée of Prince William of Wales. Since their relationship began, Middleton has received widespread media attention and there was much speculation that they would eventually marry. On 16 November 2010, the office of the Prince of Wales at Clarence House announced their engagement. On 23 November, it was announced the wedding will take place on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey, with the day declared a bank holiday in the UK.
Middleton grew up in Berkshire and, after attending Marlborough College, went to the University of St Andrews, where she met Prince William, also studying there, in 2001. They started a relationship, followed by media attention, triggering complaints by Middleton that the media were harassing her. In April 2007, the press reported that William and Middleton had split up. They continued to be friends, and later in 2007 they reunited. Since then, Middleton has attended many high-profile royal events. She has been admired for her fashion sense and has been placed on numerous "best dressed" lists.

BackFlash Video Thursday

An oldie but goodie, Animotion with Obsession

I Love What An Hermès Scarf Can Do For A Man, Milan

January 2011, Milan

From my archive, Fall 2008

Enseñanzas de Fukushima

El desenlace del caso Fukushima aún está por ver y tampoco conocemos sus consecuencias con exactitud. En estas semanas hemos leído de todo, desde los que afirman que el accidente es una muestra de la resistencia de las centrales y, por tanto, de su seguridad, hasta los que sostienen exactamente lo contrario.
Por mi parte, lo que he aprendido no es sobre la seguridad sino sobre las conductas. No importa que las centrales sean más o menos fiables, que todo haya sido por un terremoto seguido de un tsunami, no importa que las medidas de seguridad sean doble o triplemente redundantes. Lo que importa es que la gente, nosotros, somos mucho menos fiables que la tecnología. Lo relevante es que no somos de confianza.

Un mapa ficticio para añadir más confusión aún (ver por qué)
Lo que quiero comentarles aquí es que, aunque la tecnología nuclear de fisión es potencialmente muy peligrosa, el auténtico peligro somos nosotros.
El caso Fukushima es consecuencia de una conducta temeraria previa: poner una central en una zona de altísimo riesgo sísmico y, además, justo al borde del mar. Tal vez lo primero sea difícil de evitar en Japón (aunque el riesgo no es homogéneo) pero lo segundo creo que no lo era tanto. Es el mismo tipo de imprudencia que llevó en España a la catástrofe del camping de Biescas en 1996. A alguien se le ocurrió ponerlo justo debajo de un cono de deyección de un torrente y nadie quiso corregirlo a pesar de los avisos. Lo del terremoto, incluida su magnitud, era previsible, y el tsunami no fue algo sorprendente. A pesar de eso, alguien decidió poner la central en la costa.
Si la mala evaluación del riesgo es el primer síntoma de que no somos de confianza, el segundo es la falta de transparencia: la información debería ser, desde el principio, veraz, continua y centralizada ante un caso tan grave como este. Aunque poco a poco ese aspecto ha ido mejorando, durante muchos días la realidad fue otra: mensajes esporádicos, ambiguos, contradictorios... (1). 
En resumen: podemos debatir sobre la conveniencia de la fisión nuclear como fuente de energía pero antes deberíamos corregir nuestras actitudes en cuanto a responsabilidad y transparencia. Yo estoy razonablemente seguro de que las centrales en España están bien controladas pero no acabo de quitarme la sensación de que si ocurre un problema serio no nos lo van a contar con la exactitud y rapidez que me gustaría.

(1) Hay que mencionar las dos vías de información que la empresa TEPCO mantiene abiertas. La primera es una cuenta en Twitter (@OfficialTEPCO) pero que solo está en japonés y cuenta con 44 notas, algo evidentemente ridículo para lo que está pasando. Google permite traducir estos mensajes con bastante dificultad pero está claro que al menos los últimos son solo avisos de cortes de luz y agradecimientos por el ahorro de energía. Nada de mantenerte al día de los problemas.
La segunda vía incluye valores de radiactividad mediante hojas en formato PDF que se van añadiendo poco a poco a una larga lista. Aunque se aportan medidas frecuentes son solamente de unos pocos sitios (Nearby MP-4, Main building, Main gate, West gate) y el formato es lo más incómodo que pudieron elegir para hacerse una idea de la evolución del problema. Menos es nada, por supuesto, pero debería ser mucho más, especialmente ahora que están apareciendo rastros de contaminación en el agua y los alimentos incluso a muchos kilómetros de distancia.
Por su parte, el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear español proporciona informes diarios que son de agradecer. Tal vez es el sitio donde podamos seguir con más detalle, dentro de lo que cabe, la situación. 

New Pic: Adrianne Palicki as Diana


Disco é Cultura!

Robot Koch & John Robinson - Robot Robinson

Atenção, novidadeiros de plantão!

"Robot Robinson" (project: Mooncircle, 2011) é um dos projetos mais interessantes do universo hip-hop em algum tempo, e é também o melhor lançamento do gênero até o presente momento em 2011 - a menos que você sugira algo melhor, malandragem. Indicado pelo parceiro Daniel Tamenpi em seu site/blog-referência Só Pedrada Musical, o disco superou as expectativas do OPS™. Parceria entre o produtor alemão Robot Koch e o estadunidense John Robinson, o disco mistura dubstep e (veja que chique!) avant-garde hip-hop na medida certa - apesar do afetado visual de Robot Koch no vídeo do single Smorgasbord (volte uma casa), que obviemant não chega a comprometer flow e timbres perfeitos. Confira a faixa The Future e entenda porque Robot Robinson tem tudo pra ser o futuro de um estilo sem presente.

1. Introduction To RR
2. The Future
3. The Planet Is My Canvas
4. The Program
5. Keep On Dancing
6. Smorgasbord
7. Sun RA Feat. I.D. 4 Windz
8. Channeling

Tá na mão!

Little Girl's Hairstyles: Cute and easy braid hairdo 7-10 min

This is a simple little braided hairdo that I really didn't think was super duper much of much--but I got (or SHE got) so many compliments on it, I thought I'd share it! As always, my mantra is : The easier and faster the hairstyle is, (and all the while still being cute), the MORE I like it!

Here's the finished look:
I split the front of her hair, from forehead back to the ear line, straight down the center, and centered two ponytails up top. (Of course her hair was thoroughly damp). I then combed it all down to the midpoint of her head, from ear to ear, parted off the underneath hair, and secured it with a center ponytail.
 I then split that one ponytail, along with the remaining hair underneath in half again, prepping for the two braids. I began the braids closer to the center part, so they wouldn't hang over her shoulders (her preference), and did two tight backwards braids (my preference) down to the ends. When braiding I spray the hair with water often, to help keep the braids in longer and smooth down flyaways, or shorter hairs.

I put in this darling korker bow in the centered ponytail in back, and she was all finished. If your daughter's hair isn't long enough for the braids, then put the hair in ponytails or little stuffed or messy buns.

 2 more weeks friends!! I have some videos saved up for my 'hiatus' away from all normality-so don't be strangers!

WATCH: Donald Trump thinks President Obama's Birth Certificate could say he's a Muslim

Robot Koch and John Robinson - Smorgasbord

porque o OPS™ também quer ser novidadeiro.

Elis Regina - Ela

Special request up in this mo'fo! "Ela" (Philips, 1970) é o trabalho mais clássico de Elis Regina na humilde porém falastrona opinião do OPS™; registro fonográfico da fase áurea da cantora, o disco tem momentos sublimes, como sua versão para a bela Golden Slumbers (dos Beatles), as célebres Madalena (de Ivan Lins) e Cinema Olympia (do ídolo supremo do blog, Caê), e a favorita da casa, Black Is Beautiful. Clássico atemporal, para ouvir no talo e registrar momentos especiais. E uma ótima opção para formadores de opinião e novidadeiros de plantão que, na ânsia de linkar a mais recente música do ano no Facebook e gerar um grande número de views, têm deixado essas pérolas... hum... em stand by. Mas eles voltam. You bet, baby.

1. Ih! Meu Deus do Céu!
2. Black Is Beautiful
3. Cinema Olympia
4. Golden Slumbers
5. Falei e Disse
6. Aviso aos Navegantes
7. Mundo Deserto
8. Ela
9. Os Argonautas
10. Estrada do Sol

Tá na mão!

On the Street.....Third Avenue, New York

WATCH: Footage of NBC's Wonder Woman in Action part 2

I got more footage last night. I also hung out with 2 serious fans, Geoff and Christopher. In fact, Christopher has a great tattoo collection of Diana on his arm.

Please enjoy

New Trailer: Teen Wolf the Series

Over 43,000 Views of my Wonder Woman Youtube Video

OMG! After making the Wonder Woman clip yesterday, I found out that Huffington Post, E! and Perez Hilton were also using the video.

And at this point, there has been over 43,000 views of this clip! I am soooo excited, and I have more to show later.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stylish Short Hairstyles







One of the most famous short hairstyles still around these days ıs a pixie. Full of type and just appropriate for a little girl who can’t be bothered with hair care, this cut is versatile enough for that adult woman also.Tailored to any time or circumstance in life, a great pixie cut can carry you via morning until night in a uncomplicated and stylish manner.Tailored to any time or circumstance in life, a great pixie cut can carry you via morning until night in a uncomplicated and stylish manner.For those who wish to minimize the shock of going gray, the cut will do that. For that younger wearer, highlights and down lights can actually play up the individual’s energy and verve.

Casual updo hairstyles

Casual updo hairstyles, This a few casual relaxed hairstyles updos that can be worn for many occasions. The Spring/Summer season is a approaching and if you are like me, I do not like hair hanging on my neck. Hopefully these hairstyles give you ideas for your next updo.







Casual updo hairstyles,updo hairstyles,New updo hairstyles,Short Hair styles,Updo Hair Styles,Easy Updos

Casual updo hairstyles

Casual updo hairstyles,This a few casual relaxed hairstyles updos that can be worn for many occasions. The Spring/Summer season is a approaching and if you are like me, I do not like hair hanging on my neck. Hopefully these hairstyles give you ideas for your next updo.







Casual updo hairstyles,updo hairstyles,New updo hairstyles,Short Hair styles,Updo Hair Styles,Easy Updos

Alicia Keys Hairstyles

Alicia Keys Hairstyles, The alicia keys hairstyles 2010 have seen many changes over the course of the year to help keep up with the wedding and marriage and even the pregnancy in preparation for the baby with rap producer Swizz Beatz. Everything from bun updos to long and curly hairstyles have been selected to stay comfortable.









Once Alicia’s belly is too big to do any shows and public appearances cease for a bit she may choose to go back to braids for awhile. 2011 is coming so the options of a new grammy award winning mommy are endless to say the least. When you have the kind of money and resources Alicia has you are not lacking for hair stylist.