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Monday, May 31, 2010

Eighties Fashion Style

She's the pop singer seen jogging in Central Park. Madonna captured the style and fashion sense of generation. Especially teenage girls in the 1980s. Madonna is among the most influential people of the 1980s.

Madonna has always had a special relationship with the media. While many stars try desperately to avoid the paparazzi, Madonna has the power to manipulate the media to her advantage.

In 1985 Madonna ruled the airwaves and MTV too. Madonna at her peak was making music, videos and even movies at a fevered pace. Madonna had the media all sewn up by the mid 1980s. Madonna never had too much trouble from the paparazzi. She, in fact, seemed to embrace the photographers throughout her early career.

From her wildly teased and colored hair to the return of lace and fishnet stockings, her accessories were outrageous, and girls around the world wanted to be like Madonna even going so far as to add her trademark mole to their cheeks.

eighties fashion
eighties fashion
eighties fashion
eighties fashion
eighties fashion

Ohio Players - Angel

Ain't nothing greater than the Ohio Players, assertivamente ponderou mister Dudley Perkins. "Angel" (Mercury, 1977) é outro grande álbum da extensa discografia do combo do estado norte-americano de Ohio liderado por Leroy "Sugarfoot" Bonner. O flerte com a disco music, o funk, as baladas mela-cueca e a capa sexualmente sugestiva (assim como em todos os discos da fase áurea do OP) são os pontos altos deste LP de uma das maiores instituições da música fonkee estadunidense. Fique atento à suingada Body Vibes, que chegou à posição #19 da Billboard em 77, e à ótima O-H-I-O, possivelmente o melhor balanço do play. Prestigie!

1. Angel
2. Merry Go Round
3. Glad To Know You're Mine
4. Don't Fight My Love
5. Body Vibes
6. Can You Still Love Me
7. O-H-I-O
8. Faith



Paris Fashion Week

Paris Fashion Week as always was a major destination for the designer crowd recently. Boasting some of the hottest names in the industry and an A grade guest list, Paris is the home of Haute Courture.

Naturally plenty of press were on hand to give a blow by blow description of each days high and low lights. Now that the closing ceremony has come and gone the critics have given their overview of proceedings and as always it has involved an over use of adjectives and overstating the obvious.

paris fashion week
paris fashion week
paris fashion week
paris fashion week
paris fashion week

 Crap Attack.

Ich wurde schon desöfteren darum gebeten, Bilder von meinem neuen Zimmer hier in Münster zu zeigen. Da aber noch nicht alles so ist, wie ich es gerne haben möchte, musst ihr euch noch ein wenig gedulden und euch vorerst mit diesen 7 Bildern begnügen, die einige "Details" meines Zimmers zeigen.

Die Auflösungen des VooDolls und des Haburi Gewinnspiels, gibt es beide Morgen Abend. Bei Haburi könnt ihr übrigens noch bis Morgen um 20 Uhr mitmachen - hier geht es zum Post. Die Daumen sind gedrückt!

music of the day : DORioN' - Somewhere (feat. B-Rad & Jenny O)

spotted : man and the city

dotted shirt vs. print cutton tee → cornered vest  vs. jersey coat → fit trousers vs. wide pants
office                                     →                                     casual
C'est Chic

via the Fashionisto

spring summer 2010 trend IV

all white! always in trend, but this time featuring lace up, crop top, and boyfriend look

via Vogue Russia March 2010 Supplement

On the Street....Preparing for Pitti, Florence

I'm getting my wardrobe ready for the upcoming Pitti Uomo in Florence.

I love the idea of a tailored jacket with sportier shorts.

Two years ago I tried a few very casual, unconstructed cotton sport coats (45RPM, Junya, and Engineered Garments to be exact) but the lack of structure and sculpting in the high-waist made the look too shapeless for my tastes.

I'm not saying that the option above is the perfect scenario, but it's a very good reference point.

Actually, last week in Milan I found a great cotton sport coat at Piombo. The jacket fits like the one above, but the upper-sleeve is slimmer and the washed cotton gives the jacket a sportier feel.

I have to write more about Piombo later. If you don't know it, imagine an Italian, super chic version of J.Crew.

Winfrey Coaxed Gaga Onstage At Gala

i see the gossip today about Gaga and Wintour... quite late.
and Gaga's speach is damn kickass that i almost wanna rush to buy 100 albums of hers!

spotted : see throughs

i really concern it's overloaded

via Style and the City Blea Black the end of all things will be televised

spotted : Jessica & Ashlee

tell me Jessica, you got whole "you" because you are filming something.
it's um.... what Amy W. should do, not you.

once the sisters looked like from same gene.
just 3 years ago


plus : it's super ridiculous compared to this song from Ashlee
she told us she was so frustrated by the fact that all people even her parents love Jessica more.
how come i feel today is the moment that Ashlee waiting for a lifetime
(um, sorry, that could be little mean.)

via Everything Jazzy SimpsonWatch

spotted : sometimes in, sometimes out

the up high and down below parts are just like a clothes jungle, complicated but mysteriously beautiful.

via Lynn & Horst

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Three Degrees - The Roulette Years (1970-72)

A dificuldade em encontrar o clássico "Maybe" (Roulette, 1970) fez com que o OPS™ desistisse da busca (alguém aí tem a versão mp3 em qualidade igual ou superior a 192kbps?) e se concentrasse no bom, velho e igualmente espetacular "The Roulette Years (1970-72)", coletânea lançada na década de 90 com vários dos sons da fase áurea do trio de (belíssimas) harmonias vocais The Three Degrees. O soul trio de Philadelphia não vacila em petardos como a folclórica Maybe, originalmente gravada por The Chantells, e a lindíssima Collage (presente também na coletânea Sounds of Philadelphia, da sempre atenta SoulJazz Records), para sorte e fortuna do mais exigente dos receptáculos. Recomendado para a remoção de calcinhas e roupas íntimas em geral. Confira imediatamente!

1. Ebb Tide
2. Maybe
3. Collage
4. I Do Take You
5. You're the Fool
6. Grass (Will Sing for You)
7. Melting Pot
8. You're the One
9. Stardust
10. There's So Much Love All Around Me
11. Lowdown
12. Trade Winds
13. I Turn to You
14. I Won't Let You Go
15. Through Misty Eyes
16. Find My Way
17. Sugar on Sunday
18. Who Is She (And What Is She to You)
19. Requiem
20. Isn't It a Pity
21. Shades of Green
22. MacArthur Park



music of the day : Something a la Mode - G-String

have a little rest in this rainy day, i think it's perfect to describe how i feel about rain with this song.

España en la ciencia mundial: síntesis "h"

En SCImago se presentan estadísticas globales sobre la ciencia en el mundo que son difíciles de extraer de otras fuentes. Con los datos que nos dan es posible ubicar a todos los países en una escala de influencia científica y no sólo de producción. ¿Cómo se miden ambas cosas? La producción es un parámetro simple: número de artículos publicados en revistas científicas.
La mayor novedad de SCImago es que también valora la influencia de dichos artículos ya que cabría la posibilidad de que un país publique mucho pero luego esos trabajos no sean tenidos en cuenta por el resto de la comunidad científica; por ejemplo, lo que se publica en chino difícilmente llegará más allá de sus propias fronteras. También es posible que una producción alta sea irrelevante por dedicarse a temas de interés local o por tratarse de "ciencia oscura" (ver referencia abajo).
SCImago usa el índice h para valorar esa influencia, algo que ya se había aplicado anteriormente a los investigadores de forma individual. El índice h valora la cantidad de artículos que alcanzan un número determinado de citas mediante un convenio curioso: si h = 100 significa que ese país tiene 100 artículos que han llegado a las 100 citas cada uno; si h = 185, ese país tiene 185 artículos con al menos 185 citas cada uno. Con este índice es inútil publicar mucho si no te cita nadie y, por otra parte, subir su valor es cada vez más exigente ya que pasar de 100 a 101 exige un artículo nuevo con 101 citas y que los que antes tenían 100 (uno al menos) recoja una cita más.
¿Dónde está España con este criterio? Abajo tienen unas cifras mínimas pero hay que hacer la salvedad de que deben tomarse con precaución ya que h no es un índice aséptico a la hora de comparar países porque está correlacionado con el tamaño de la población científica. Lógicamente,  Les recomiendo que jueguen un poco con la página para ver si su disciplina favorita está mejor colocada que la media y cómo a evolucionado en el tiempo. Les hago un mínimo resumen con datos para el periodo 1996-2008:
  • España está a nivel general en el duodécimo puesto mundial, con h = 338; por número de publicaciones estamos en el noveno puesto, con 448240, lo que es indicador de una cantidad excesiva de artículos poco relevantes.
  • Por disciplinas, mejoran la situación general en más de un puesto las siguientes (entre paréntesis figura el puesto): ingeniería química (7), matemática (8), artes y humanidades (9), ciencias ambientales (10), física y astronomía (10), veterinaria (10).
  • Y empeoran la situación media: negocios y gestión (19), ingeniería (17), energía (16), salud (15), ciencias de los materiales (14).
Para realizar una comparación teniendo en cuenta el tamaño del país habría que considerar también el número medio de citas por artículo. Aunque aquí salen cosas muy raras con los países muy pequeños, en la lista de los grandes España desciende al vigésimo puesto más o menos, por detrás del resto de países europeos con las excepciones de Portugal, Grecia e Irlanda en cuanto a la Europa de los 15.
O sea, que ya sabemos qué disciplinas hay que cuidar para que no pierdan su puesto privilegiado, ganado a costa de trabajo y no necesariamente de inversión. No las machaquemos porque, por ejemplo, tengan pocos alumnos. El resto deberíamos dedicarnos a hacer investigación de calidad y no cantidad, aunque la meritocracia científica en este país aún no se basa en índice h ni en número de citas sino en el montón de artículos que tengas, aunque luego sólo sean citados por el propio autor.
Artículos relacionados: Ciencia oscura.
¿Quieren saber cuánto invierte cada país en ciencia? Miren aquí y tendrán una idea.

Aplicando el índice h a las revistas no hay sorpresas: Nature gana(599) seguida de cerca por Science (583) y, algo más alejadas, New England Journal of Medicine (497) y Cell (431).

[Foto] Callistemon

Callistemon, pulsar encima para ampliar.
Callistemon es el nombre de un género de arbustos originarios de Australia de los cuales se cultivan en España una docena de especies. En climas como este son un recurso interesante ya que soportan bien el calor estival y tienen una floración duradera y muy llamativas. De unos pequeños pétalos verdes que se ven en el centro de la inflorescencia surgen los estambres rojos con anteras amarillas.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vanusa - 1971

O OPSer da geração youtube possivelmente conhece Vanusa como aquela tia que fez freestyle com o hino nacional em um evento do governo, mas o fato é que a cantora gravou uma pérola ao início da década de 70. "1971" (RCA) é um LP com momentos respeitavelmente fonkeeeeee, embora a cereja do bolo aqui seja a surpreendente versão de V para um clássico do soul trio The Three Degrees gravado no ano anterior, a ótima Maybe. Executada de maneira absolutamente idêntica à original (incluindo arranjos, letra em português e até mesmo os maneirismos), a faixa tem potencial para, na pior das hipóteses, garantir três minutos de introspecção por parte do digga mais curioso. A versão original foi também sampleada por J-Dilla em "Donuts" (Stones Throw, 2006), portanto os fãs die-hard do legendário produtor também já podem cogitar o download do play, "mesmo não sendo de rap". Ch-check it out!

1. 1971
2. O Dia E A Hora
3. Unchained Melody
4. Vai
5. Eu Vou Ser Eu
6. Cada Vez Mais Distante De Você
7. Ponte Aérea: 15 Horas
8. Estou de Mal com Você
9. Talvez (Maybe)
10. Agora Eu Sei (Where Are You Going To My Love)
11. Da Rua, Da Lua, Do Violão



 BLACKY DRESS BERLIN erstmals auf der MBFW.

via Blacky Dress

Allmählich flattern auch die richtig interessanten Pressemitteilungen ins Haus. Gestern erreichte mich eine Mitteilung, dass der erste Teilnehmer der kommenden Berlin Fashion Week feststeht: BLACKY DRESS BERLIN. Das in Berlin ansässige Label freut sich sehr, dass es sich nun in einem richtigen Markenumfeld bewegen und sich auf einer Plattform wie der Berlin Fashion Week präsentieren darf. Wer etwas mehr von dem Label sehen möchte, der kann sich hier die aktuelle S/S Kollektion zu Gemüte führen.

music of the day : Planet Funk - Who said

cover mode : Jalouse June 2010 : Coco Sumner

audacious typing.

via Fasion Copious

On the Street....Out of Nowhere, Milano

This past week I was shooting an ad campaign in Milan.

While I was searching for a location on a very quiet residential street near Parco Sempione, this man, a Sartorialist All-Star, just happened to pop up on his bike. This must have been fate because the street was so quiet.

I didn't have my regular camera, since I was riding around on the back of a Vespa. However Emanuele, one of the production staff, had his tiny point-and-shoot so I rattled off a few shots.

It has always been so random when I run into this gentleman and yet always quite inspiring. He's so sporty, chic and, of course, always with his bike.

When we got back to the trailer I told one of the other production people about seeing him again, and she's now convinced that he's my guardian angel!

Anne Keothavong In Action

Anne Keothavong has claimed she would have done broken into the world's top 50 years ago were it not for “unprofessional people” at the Lawn Tennis Association.
The 25-year-old rose four places to 48th in the rankings, following her run to the semi-finals in the Cellular South Cup in Memphis last week.
She is the first British woman since Jo Durie 16 years ago to make it into the top 50, and it continues the relatively late blossoming of a player who was ranked 134th 12 months ago.
But, although Keothavong is now content with the support provided to her by the LTA, she has criticised the sport's governing body in Britain for hampering her progress earlier in her career.
The Londoner, who turned professional in 2001, said she was now reaping the benefits of working with coaches she could trust.

Anne Keothavong
Anne Keothavong
Anne Keothavong
Anne Keothavong
Anne Keothavong

Andy Murray Pictures

Murray prescribed, “His beginning was very fine and sound, striking the ball solid with his forehand and I was hitting it short. But after 3-0 in the first set I performed well until 5-1 (in the second) and then completely misplaced attentiveness, and finished up being in a battle at the end, which I didn’t essentially need.

He further said, “I was much gladder with the means I punch the ball today compared to my first match, bar the first and last three games.”

Somewhere else, sixth seed Juan Martin del Potro of Argentina facilitated past Janko Tipsarevic 6-4 6-1, and 11th seed David Ferrer of Spain defeat Croatia’s Marin Cilic 3-6 6-3 6-4.

On the other hand In the women’s draw, 13th seed Caroline Wozniacki defeat fourth seed Elena Dementieva 7-5 6-4 to participate in a quarter-final against eighth seed Svetlana Kuznetsova, who beat fellow Russian Alisa Kleybanova 6-2 6-1. Samantha Stosur carried out her win over second seed Dinara Safina by thrashing Amelie Mauresmo 6-4 6-4, and the Australian now face 11th seed Victoria Azarenka , who crushed Agnes Szavay 6-2 6-4.

Andy Murray
Andy Murray
Andy Murray
Andy Murray
Andy Murray

Andre Agassi Top Tennis Star

NEW YORK - When Todd Martin announced his retirement from tennis on Monday night after losing his first-round match to Frenchman Fabrice Santoro in four sets, Andre Agassi became the last graybeard on the men’s circuit. Older players such as Pete Sampras, Jim Courier, Michael Chang, David Wheaton and now Martin have stepped aside.

Can Agassi carry the mantle himself by winning his ninth career Grand Slam at the U.S. Open? Frankly, I don’t think so. Why? Age has caught up with him.

That said, I think we must admit that this has been a very puzzling year for Agassi in that he never knows whether he is going to play well or not. Agassi once slumped during the 1997 season, when he plummeted out of the top 100.

Andre Agassi
Andre Agassi
Andre Agassi
Andre Agassi
Andre Agassi