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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Drama in Iowa Continues: The House votes to allow people to Ban Gay Marriage

Lord, Iowa! Y'all are bring the drama today! The House today voted 62-37 to pass Joint Resolution 6. This resolution will allow voters to ban same-sex marriages, civil unions, and domestic partnerships by amending the state constitution.
The bill now moves on to the Iowa Senate, where Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal has vowed to fight attempts to pass the amendment. If passed through both legislative bodies in two consecutive General Assemblies, the issue could be on the ballot as soon as 2013.

“The proposed amendment devalues families and divides Iowans,” said One Iowa Executive Director Carolyn Jenison. “The Constitution is meant to protect the freedoms and liberties of all Iowans. It is inappropriate to use the political process to single out and deny a group of Iowans of their constitutional protections.”

“This goes beyond politics,” said Iowa City resident Katie Imborek. “This is about our family and the ability for Paula and me to care for one another and our two children. At a time when so many Iowans are struggling just to make ends meet, I don’t understand why legislators would choose to take up this issue.”
I hope this dies in Senate. More to come.


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