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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

queen elizabeth young

queen elizabeth young. queen elizabeth ii young.
  • queen elizabeth ii young.

  • ender land
    Apr 10, 10:46 AM
    hence the ambiguity, IMO, of the presentation of the equation.

    Ambiguity would be something like

    what does 48 2 9 3 equal?

    A mathematical expression such as the one addressed here is not ambiguous unless people draw inferences from it which are not present. Just because people can incorrectly draw information does not make something inherently ambiguous.

    It would be ambiguous if there were two right answers from the given information. In this case, there is not, there is only one answer which makes sense mathematically from the equation.

    queen elizabeth young. A young Queen Elizabeth II in
  • A young Queen Elizabeth II in

  • hobo.hopkins
    Mar 31, 09:34 AM
    What the heck is a "golden master candidate"? Google search only hits on this story and a story about iOS 4.0. As far as I know, Apple doesn't use the term. Someone made it up and ran with it.

    It makes no sense. There are Release Candidates, and there are Golden Masters.

    I was thinking the same thing; it doesn't make much sense to have a candidate for a supposedly Golden Master build. There shouldn't be more than one!

    On another note, I am really loving Lion because everything seems more intuitive to use. I love the small things, like moving forward and backward in Safari. I'm also loving the full screen feature.

    queen elizabeth young. queen elizabeth young life.
  • queen elizabeth young life.

  • Akme
    Mar 30, 08:30 PM
    Can someone confirm if this preview can be installed on MBP 2011?

    Installed fine on mine.

    queen elizabeth young. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth

  • Ping Guo
    Mar 27, 03:50 AM
    So... cloud computing benefits whom exactly? It's great for syncing - but even unreliable there. Caldav and Google Sync are both problematic. Dropbox works pretty well... but I use if for very specific things. Who wants to stream audio and video in when local storage is so cheap?

    Let me guess, the main beneficiaries will be the companies providing the service. And customers who don't sign up for the new, expensive, glitchy service will be increasingly marginalized in terms of the functionality of their devices.:rolleyes:

    I think we're entering an era of increasing instability and uncertainty, and we should be designing more robust networks and backups, not systems that will experience cascading failure when the power drops out at a sever farm or there's a natural (or man-made) disaster somewhere in the world. One last point - some countries block various cloud-streaming services based on arbitrary decisions, "national security" and "social harmony" *COUGH*china*COUGH*!

    queen elizabeth young. Queen Elizabeth discovers
  • Queen Elizabeth discovers

  • hawken1
    Sep 11, 03:44 PM

    perhaps you've seen this a long time ago?

    they have live coverege 12th.

    queen elizabeth young. 100%. Royal
  • 100%. Royal

  • basesloaded190
    Mar 28, 11:21 AM
    The second update makes more sense.

    I agree, but why would they say that in the first place. Not everyone knows Apple's accounting cycle :rolleyes:

    queen elizabeth young. the Queen Elizabeth Hall,
  • the Queen Elizabeth Hall,

  • GulGnu
    Mar 30, 06:08 AM
    Secondly, the term "3rd world" and "1st world" is offensive.

    Why? It�s just a reference to the battleground / spectator status of the decolonized countries during the cold war. (The "second world" being the now-defunct Soviet Bloc.)

    From the almighty Wikipedia:

    "French demographer, anthropologist and historian Alfred Sauvy, in an article published in the French magazine L'Observateur, August 14, 1952, coined the term Third World, referring to countries that were unaligned with either the Communist Soviet bloc or the Capitalist NATO bloc during the Cold War. His usage was a reference to the Third Estate, the commoners of France who, before and during the French Revolution, opposed priests and nobles, who composed the First Estate and Second Estate, respectively. "

    queen elizabeth young. Young Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Young Queen Elizabeth II.

  • MrWinters
    May 4, 05:15 PM
    they're probably make it that if your hard drive dies, you need to go to the apple store and have them do it. If you don't have apple care, or if ran out, lol enjoy their high prices.



    queen elizabeth young. Queen+elizabeth+ii+young+
  • Queen+elizabeth+ii+young+

  • iBug2
    Mar 27, 01:47 AM
    There's no way they are going to release iPad 3 in Fall after Steve said 2011 is going to be the year of iPad 2.

    queen elizabeth young. queen elizabeth 2nd young,
  • queen elizabeth 2nd young,

  • geordieny
    May 6, 05:50 AM
    Haha fun fun processors!! Aren't intel trying to up the power efficiency of their processors in the near future?

    Wonder if they're trying to keep a hold of Apple, as that is the biggest issue for Apple with the current range of processors.

    queen elizabeth young. queen elizabeth young life. of
  • queen elizabeth young life. of

  • GGJstudios
    Dec 25, 08:30 AM
    If mac users don't use av software, there's little motivation for anyone to supply it. If NO ONE is working on av software, then in the eventuality that we do need it, we're all starting from scratch. That's just never a good place to be if you can with minimal effort prevent it.

    It's kind of like getting your flu shot in a year when the flu isn't supposed to be particularly bad. I seldom get the flu, but I go ahead and get the shot every year anyway because if no one does, there's little motivation for pharma companies to develop future flu shots. Which means in the really bad flu years, there's a shortage because only one company is making the shot.
    There is simply no correlation between humans and flu and Macs and malware. They don't relate at all. Anti-virus is not necessary for protection for Macs against malware at this time. If you read this, you'll understand why: Mac Virus/Malware Info (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=9400648&postcount=4)

    queen elizabeth young. mother in Queen Elizabeth
  • mother in Queen Elizabeth

  • noahtk
    May 4, 03:11 PM
    That is that generic thing where you download Android Applications from .... :D


    queen elizabeth young. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth

  • pavetheforest
    Sep 15, 09:40 PM
    I really hope they update the MBP with the C2D, a new enclosure would be great too, heres to hoping...

    queen elizabeth young. queen elizabeth ii young woman
  • queen elizabeth ii young woman

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 26, 03:56 PM
    I love that argument - who told Apple to only make 1 phone? Nobody it was their decision. This is PC vs Mac all over again - history repeating itself.

    I can't wait to see how Steve Jobs spins this somehow at WWDC - my guess is he'll throw iPod Touches and iPads into their numbers so it doesn't look as horrible as the Nielsen chart shows.

    At the end of the day, the truth hurts - Android is the new defacto platform for mobile and that means developers, developers, developers.

    I suspect you're just trolling because I can't believe that you're as clueless as you pretend.

    The Android platform is so highly fractured that to write an app for one Android phone doesn't mean you got the platform covered... far from it. Apple's IOS platform is huge, and has only shrunk in market share by a couple points (PIM is the one taking a beating) since the last survey.

    The controlled environment of the IOS, which extends to iPods, and iPads, makes for a more profitable platform for developers. This not wishful dreaming, it's a fact any developer will tell you, or you can jump into the archives and learn for yourself.

    queen elizabeth young. Queen Elizabeth, as a young
  • Queen Elizabeth, as a young

  • Erasmus
    Jul 22, 11:03 PM
    Merom in MacBook will not cost Apple more than Yonah and it will run cooler and faster even at the same 2GHz.

    Erasmus ,
    Do you have any idea how much slower your Cube is running because you haven't maxed out the RAM to 1.5 GB? Just by adding two 512 Sticks for only $140 will almost double your speed.

    I did double the ram from 256 to 512, and didn't notice anthing, however upgrading it now would just be another reason for not upgrading to an iMac. Do you have any idea how much faster my iMac Ultra would be? I'm sure you do. ;)

    I just don't see much point in upgrading a computer that I expect will only be useful for its hard-drive on a home network.
    But you are right, RAM is dirt cheap nowadays.

    I think you missed my point about Yonah Macbooks. I want the price to drop. There is no point in me owning a Merom Macbook if I buy an iMac. The present Macbook is easily fast enough for writing essays on the train, wouldn't you agree?

    queen elizabeth young. Queen Elizabeth Theatre Stage
  • Queen Elizabeth Theatre Stage

  • miles01110
    Apr 9, 05:06 PM
    This was already discussed (and locked) over at Physicsforums.com.


    queen elizabeth young. queen elizabeth ii young.
  • queen elizabeth ii young.

  • applefan69
    Mar 26, 10:20 PM
    Problem I have is timing. Why does Apple continue to release the new iPhone / iPad yet we have to wait months afterwards for the iOS update to take advantage of them? :confused: Last year it took until November for the original iPad update. Now they're going to offer the iPhone 5 with a several month lag for the iOS 5 upgrade?

    makes perfect sense from a business point actually:

    when the new software comes out apple will see a boost in hardware sales due to the new functionality.

    Meanwhile early adopters, really feel welcomed to the Apple community when months later their product is suddenly even better than they ever planned.

    Its amazing how people are so quick to assume Apple doesnt know what they are doing.

    queen elizabeth young. Elizabeth The story of Queen
  • Elizabeth The story of Queen

  • thogs_cave
    Aug 11, 03:56 PM
    Supposedly about 20% faster at the same clock speed, plus they are 64 bit, but the benefits of that in these machines is somewhat debatable. It's a nice upgrade, but not a huge one. [...] But that "goodness" mostly looks like greater memory access, which is a moot point in a machine with two ram slots. Most of the "goodness" isn't anything a laptop user will notice.

    Which is really the point. It's not a quantum leap like the MacBook was over the iBook. (Having moved from one to the other, I can vouch for that.) I doubt I'd really notice the difference for 99.9% of what I do.

    queen elizabeth young. Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
  • Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • gugy
    Aug 7, 03:53 PM
    wwdc 2006 video is up now!

    good man!

    Aug 2, 03:59 PM
    How can we get a hold of that keynote that Macrummors said will cover?
    The main page transforms, via dark magic, into a of constantly updated text portal.

    Legend has it that one MR member gets sucked into the swirling portal of dark magic and is trapped in a parallel universe for eternity.
    This happens once per keynote.

    Aug 7, 10:00 PM
    I don't see a heatsink on that Crucial RAM.

    Sep 15, 04:24 PM
    Sounds good. Hope it happens for those waiting for it.

    I also hope the design is revamped i.e. magnetic latch etc.

    Maybe an ACD update to boot?

    Yeah, i'd be sad if they just dropped a new processor in there. I'd want a new video card at the very least, and maybe DL burners in the 15" would be nice.

    Apr 20, 06:31 AM
    Boring. I see a lot of people jump ship. :D me to wp7
    sick of those notifications, boring same ol design etc.

    Jul 23, 09:42 PM
    The iBook never went under $999. I barely call that a sub-$1000 laptop. But whatever you say. I'll agree that $999 looks better then $1000 though. :p

    All of these Blu-Ray fans scare me. Considering they're having trouble fabricating the 50 GB discs..Speaking of Blu-ray, last night NBC broadcast the pilot of Miami Vice in Widescreen HD along with shorts on the upcoming movie by Michael Mann. I mean this was a pristine Film Transfer to 1080i HD with incredible Dolby Sound. Then at the end they try and hawk 4x3 SD DVD sets of the first two seasons (22 episodes each) for $40 each. What an absurd offer after watching the pilot in HD. No way would I want go back and watch the rest in SD 4x3. We need either Blu-ray or HD-DVD to meet market demand for fare like this ASAP.

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