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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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  • MacsRgr8
    Aug 7, 03:42 PM
    It's still a QUAD at $2,124. Even if it's 2 GHz, that's still utterly insane, especially when a *single* 2 GHz Woodcrest outperforms a 3.5 GHz Pentium 4 easily IIRC.

    That is information what I am waiting for before calling it lame or excellent...

    Another problem IMHO is that you now must buy a Quad config, if you want 2 HD's or a good grfx card.

    Many people will pay for the 3rd and 4th core without ever using it.

    I think Apple could have done with a Dual Core config (Conroe) as low-end Mac Pro machine: give the buyer the expansibility of a Pro machine, but keep the price in a pro-sumer level.

    I wonder how much faster the Quad 2.66 really is than a Quad 2.5 GHz G5. Something tells me that Apple is usually rather positive regarding the new machines.... ;)

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  • BrettJDeriso
    Apr 18, 03:56 PM
    I'm surprised it's taken this long, to be honest: I've thought for a long time that Samsung's phones in particular are pretty much a blatant rip-off of Apple's industrial design and user interface.
    HTC have shown that they can produce an innovative and different interface with their Sense UI, but Samsung seem to just want to rip-off Apples look and feel

    What, precisely, did Samsung blatantly "rip off" from Apple? The sliding hardware keyboard? The chunky black plastic form factor? The pry-off rear cover and removable battery? Was it the flash they were including with their cell phone cameras before Apple even introduced a phone? Perhaps the plastic buttons and the extra dedicated (wasted) interface "buttons" on the screen. Maybe the skinnable launcher and widget-enabled home screens?

    I hope that was sarcasm, cause in any other context it just makes you look like an uneducated fanboy.

    If anything, this just proves that Samsung is doing something right. I mean, let's face it, Apple is acting a lot like the Winklevoss twins at this point. Technically, they should sue every PC manufacturer on Earth for every ounce of silicon ever produced, because, after all, Apple did invent the personal computer.

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  • shartypants
    Apr 25, 10:15 AM
    Not sure what everybody is so worried about, I'm sure the phone needs to track some kind of historical information to give an accurate position. As long as accurate positioning information is not sent to Apple, is there really a problem?

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  • tom5304
    May 7, 04:44 PM
    Oh and a two letter email address is priceless.

    Yes, because typing "gmail.com" is so exhausting. :D

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  • danielwsmithee
    Aug 11, 09:32 AM
    Why would they keep a 32-bit processor in the macbook when they're pushing 64-bit with Lepoard?Yes but remember Leopard is not going to be only 64-bit, it will run 32-bit and 64-bit applications side by side.

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  • dernhelm
    Nov 22, 05:03 AM
    Hasen't Apple been working on the iPhone for "a few years" at least?

    No, the rumor mill has been grinding on the iPhone for several years. Apple hasn't necessarily been working on it for that long.

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  • DJMastaWes
    Jul 22, 10:02 AM
    I'm just burnin' doin' the Merom Dance!

    Sing it with me, now! :D

    Regardless of what happens on the 7th, I'm ordering a MBP. Though, things look like they're shaping up for that! Apple would be nuts not to put that chip in the MBP now that it's shipping.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Can't wait....
    I know the odds are riseing for merom MBPs at WWDC, but anyone have opinions on a new enclosure for them at WWDC?

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 12:09 PM
    I do wish people would stop using the "marketing name" Retina displays.

    Just say what screen resolution you would like.

    Also, this story probably isn't about "retina" displays per say as people view them (4 times the pixel count) but more akin to new monitors that use DP 1.2's available bandwidth, finally breaking the 2560x1600 barrier we've had for the last few years.

    This news item is probably mostly about new ACD resolutions/new iMac resolutions than it is about a whole revamp of the entire line-up to use the misused "Retina" monicker.

    Apple knows what they meant by Retina, too bad most people around here fail to accept that meaning and go for the simpler "300 PPI screen".

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  • aswitcher
    Jul 30, 06:07 AM
    So hope the iPhone happens.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 02:32 PM
    I don't see what the big deal is. Of course Apple is going to try to minimize the risk of the jailbreak community. They want to avoid headlines about spyware and such that creep out of the jailbroken community. It's just good PR.

    Guys this is so simple.

    JB'ing your device is a user risk related thing. Not for the general public. It also voids your warrantee with Apple.

    So... do you think it's good business practice for Toyota to encourage customers of another device to void their warrantee and put their product at risk of other issues if they don't know what they're doing?

    That would be like Apple saying, download this App and plug into our Camry and we'll modify your engine to give you 20 more HP, but it's not approved by Toyota.

    Not well thought out by Toyota.

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  • Fuchal
    May 7, 03:29 PM
    MobileMe doesn't even work right now... how would they ever support way more users?

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  • Tapiwa
    Apr 20, 06:56 AM
    This model promises to be one that many will pass on.

    I certainly will.

    Even though it's already well known that it will have a better antenna to fix the antennagate issue that most everyone denied.

    The lack of a fresh new look will keep me away, especially retaining the tiny screen. Seems like Apples coasting this time around.

    A faster processor? Big deal, who needs it, a waste of money just to pump up Apples coffers.

    A true disappointment, this one is. I was so eager to dump my antennagate special.

    The nice thing this time around is that everyone seems to have such low expectations that Apple can only meet or exceed them :D

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  • notabadname
    Apr 18, 04:41 PM
    all things d posted some images from the lawsuit


    Great comparison images.

    Anyone unwilling to admit the clear "clone" job here and validity of Apple's complaint is, IMO, one of two things; an Apple-hater or blind.

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  • quinney
    Apr 5, 02:37 PM
    So uh what exactly would Toyota lose if they tell Apple to stick it? At best all I can guess are licenses to use use an iPod trademark or something similar to integrate into the car stereo, if they even have that option. I can't think of anything else.

    Hundreds of millions of iPods have been sold, and people want to be able to control them through their cars' audio systems. Toyota knows the importance of this by the number of people who go into their showrooms and ask if their cars have this feature. I think it is really quite important and may be a deciding feature for people who are comparing cars of different brands, which are otherwise quite similar. Toyota is making a good business decision.

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  • Westacular
    Apr 23, 04:45 PM
    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    Yeah. It's surreal. The icons of tomorrow are the desktop wallpapers of today.

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  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Apr 5, 06:49 PM
    That has never been Apples stance ( when ever I read their reasons) its become the "Common wisdom" among many people who are Anti Jailbreaking.

    And they argue and argue with nonsense.
    First, I'll set aside that I don't care what the 'common wisdom' of people who are anti-jailbreaking is. Second, you failed to actually refute any single point I made in this part of your reply. Third, I wasn't actually talking about unlocking�I was talking about piracy with some other considerations. Apple's chief interest is to protect its platform, and aside from securing revenue, that also means protecting its developers. Unlocking is a point I overlooked, though. It may be in Apple's interest to go out of their way to prevent that as well depending on how they handle it with wireless providers.

    Unlocking is legal and many people just can't accept it.
    Who cares if it is legal? That's not what this is about.

    Why Apple caused this due to control.
    I would agree with this statement at face value in the sense that Apple does want to control security of their platform, sales in the App Store, their carrier agreements�but I'll wager you meant it more along the lines of 'schoolyard bully' control, and that would just be ignorant. Whenever Apple (or, for that matter, most any company) does something which upsets some users it is carefully weighed and done only with good reason.

    You also point out another Myth created by apple, the "Quality of product" myth. They have to control the product to provide quality. So far I can name 10's to 100's of times Apple has failed to provide such good tight control on the quality of their products, from:

    Updates to IOS that crash or disable basic functioning of the device to
    Apps in apple's own App store that either violate peoples information and bank accounts to apps that simply do not work and people paid money for them. The Iphone antenna, yes these are just the examples I can quickly post.

    I can prove apple is delinquent in its stewardship of "Quality" Apple has a great ability to be teflon company with Steve Jobs getting on stage and exclaiming the problem is never Apple its always something else. Steve should of ran for president............:rolleyes:
    Oh, good, I'm glad you've shared your subjective interpretation of this matter to set me straight. Or not. Apple's quality of product far exceeds virtually anything their competition releases, and that includes nearly all of their product categories. If you expect hardware and software to be released completely bug free you're living in an insane dreamland.

    Computers by companies like HP, for example, are on occasion released with serious bugs (drive conflict BSoDs out the box, frequent DOAs, issues like broken audio) but nobody actually reports this. It is because nobody really cares. Customers just return the computers or employees of stores send them back to the company or perform the relevant upgrade (as communicated with the company; the later is frequently the case in stores like Best Buy).

    As for phones, competition of iOS (especially Android) frequently comes with incomplete or unstable features and it is fleshed out as the user goes along. It is all a part of Google's development cycle (nothing necessarily wrong with this different approach�some prefer it) or the half-assed way in which some third-parties (e.g. Motorola) treat a device (due to having less control over the platform, and less personal interest in adequately testing the devices�something they can get away with because one generic device does not garner anywhere near as much PR or news as a flagship Apple product).

    Rage != Wisdom or Knowledge

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  • netdog
    Jul 30, 01:54 AM
    Why on earth should Apple "go with" a company like Verizon or anybody else?

    Just sell the phone unlocked and let anybody with GSM service pop their sim into their iPhone. Perhaps make an unlocked CDMA phone as well.

    If they have it right with this phone and there is then therefor the sort of demand for it that we have seen for the iPod, the providers will be forced to offer it according to how Apple dictates (can put music on using computer, etc.), rather than disabling the phone to suit the company's marketing schemes, and the providers will offer it at a discount to attain/retain customers.

    You guys seem to think that the service providers dictate what phones we use. Beyond having to be compatible with the network that we choose to use (GSM or CDMA), they don't. I haven't gotten a phone from a service provider for years as I need a phone that I can pop a sim into that is appropriate for whatever country I am in.

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  • salmon
    Nov 30, 07:47 AM
    I would absolutely love a tablet. I would suggest people not get hung up on what other tablet PCs are out there, because I don't see anything out there that matches what I want, and I've been searching for 3+ years now. MS attempted it, did something miserable and half-assed as usual, and so tablets are called a failure. There were lots of MP3 players around before the iPod too.

    I want something that fits the following requirements:

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  • jaw04005
    Apr 2, 11:31 AM
    Great service. I purchase several albums from Amazon per year just because their promotional pricing is fantastic (Foo Fighters Greatest Hits is $3.99 and they gave me a $2 coupon too).

    But an Adobe AIR Client for Mac? Really, Amazon? I'll wait to native Mac applications like Cyberduck support it.

    Apple better get on the ball with this.

    Aug 11, 09:34 AM
    Yes but remember Leopard is not going to be only 64-bit, it will run 32-bit and 64-bit applications side by side.

    And also that it won't be out til January or later... plenty of time (closer to the 1st of the year) for them to upgrade..

    Mar 31, 03:30 AM
    What everybody would like to know, is Safari any snappier?

    Aug 4, 01:08 AM
    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.

    Apr 26, 04:11 PM
    Love it..

    May 4, 11:33 AM
    in order to speed up the game:
    i assume that either we find nothing or we disable a trap or we find a level treasure.
    in any case those do not affect our immediate game, so I will already call turn2:
    R1T2: Loras' group opens the top right door and moves into the next room

    if in the start room we would have found something that might have affected our next move (like a special treasure of some sort, a map or the like) then please disregard the above decision.

    Did you ever define who is in your group?

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