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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Waterproof Socks

Many of us just hate to walk around in wet shoes and socks. Keeping wet socks on your legs for longer duration can cause significant harm to skin of your legs and create some hygiene issues as well. Keeping this very fact in mind, some outdoor clothing fabric manufacturers have come up with the idea of waterproof socks. Well, it sounds weird at first, but the number of customers and manufacturers of these socks are a proof that these socks are quite effective. Do you still find it hard to believe? Well, keep on reading the following article, which is a waterproof socks review. Here we will discuss more about the nature, function, fabrics and brands of socks that are marketed as waterproof!

Waterproof Socks Features

If you leave damp socks on legs for a longer period of time, it can cause health risk to your feet. Along with stinking odor, dampness also causes mold buildup. Constant friction of wet socks on your legs, can also cause shoe bite like blisters that hurt really bad. It is the reason why if you are on a hiking trail or fishing, canoeing, camping and kayaking, etc. for a longer period of time and without a replacement pair of socks, you need to take extra care of your feet and keep your socks dry for the maximum period of time. In order to stay away from all these undesirable experiences and to make your outdoor excursions pleasantly memorable, you do need a pair of waterproof socks. Such socks work differently than our regular socks. As the name suggests, these socks are waterproof by nature and hence they barricade the water from penetrating inside and keep your legs warm and dry.

Considering the thickness of fabric of socks, it is hard to believe that these socks actually keep your legs warm, though. However, surprisingly, these socks not only resist the water from penetrating but also removes sweat and moisture which is present inside them. This means that even if waterproof socks look similar to regular ones, they are different and function differently too. These socks contain three special layers of fabric. Wherein the outer layer, which is made of spandex or other such waterproof fabric, prevents water from penetrating, the inner layer absorbs moisture and sweat which might be present on the legs. The middle layer of waterproof socks is the most important layer, that makes these socks truly waterproof. This layer absorbs sweat and prevents the outside water that might come in through the outer layer. You can also choose waterproof socks for kids, so that you don't need to worry about their skin and foot care.

Waterproof Socks Review

Apart from our regular waterproof outdoor clothing like overcoats, windcheaters and raincoats, waterproof clothing is a relatively newer concept. It is the reason why there are not too many manufacturers of waterproof socks. However, there are a few fashion clothing manufacturers who have a special range of waterproof sock types. These socks are available in small (S), medium (M), large (L) and extra large (XL) shoes size. These companies offer you various types of waterproof socks, that can be worn for all seasons. There are various types of these socks, that can be worn with your regular fashion clothing as well. You can purchase over the calf types of socks, thigh high socks, winter protection socks and water submercible socks. The last type of socks are useful for water sports and in conditions that demand you to get into even waist high level of water. Average cost of these socks ranges from USD 20 to USD 100, leaving you enough option to make the desired choices for socks.

There are no special restrictions when it comes to waterproof socks and you can wash them in laundry with your other clothes too. However, some users suggest that you need to wash them with hand and by using a mild detergent. If you want to wash them with machine, then you need to choose gentle or delicate cycle of washing machine. While drying, you need to choose air dry or low heat drying options, so that you don't cause harm to the waterproof fabric of your socks. As a precaution, always refrain from twisting and ironing the waterproof socks.

Well, some of the best brands that you may like to try include, SealSkinz, Seirus Stormsocks, Rocky Gore-Tex Oversocks, Cabela Neoprene, etc. This is where I conclude this article about the best waterproof socks. I hope it was found informative!

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